Click Add New Products or click Edit on a product you want to edit and you should see:
Enter the product information
Product Name:
This is a title for your product.
This is the price for the product.
Available On Kiosk:
This setting determines whether people will be able to see this product for purchase on the kiosks.
This setting determines which event this product will be sold at.
Product URL:
This setting allows you to have a dedicated HTML page somewhere on the internet. When a user clicks the link a small pop-up will display information about the product.
Num Total:
This setting tells the computer how many of the product there are available to purchase.
Maximum qty customer can add to his/her cart. This setting tells the computer how many (maximum) can be added to a user's cart.
Inventory Type:
Sold - The "Num Total" number minus the number sold will determine how many of this item are left and capable to be sold.
Sold+Cart - The "Num Total" number minus the number sold minus and the number held in peoples cart will determine how many of this item are left and capable to be sold.
Unlimited - This item will always be available for sale.
Customer Modifiable Price: Can the customer modify the price of this item (Excellent for Donation type items.)
Bag Stuffed: Used in conjunction with the bag stuffing system, this determines if the item will be cosidered a stuffable item.