3.3 - Set up time server

Set up Time Server

It is important to make sure that your system has the correct time settings, both for making sure that your payments are recorded on the correct date, but also because if your time server is out of sync, some browsers may expire the cookie before the person is even able to start their reg process.

  1. Use the package manager to install NTP:
    sudo apt-get install ntp
  2. Press Y to install dependencies if prompted to do so.
  3. Set up your choice of timeservers by editing /etc/ntp.conf
    sudo joe /etc/ntp.conf
  4. Look for the line that says “server some.time.server”
  5. Add as many lines as you wish which point to whatever timeservers you wish to use, each timeserver should have it's own entry. For example:

    server time-a.nist.gov
    server time-b.nist.gov
    server time.nrc.ca
  6. Restart the time server:
    sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart